Tuesday, March 21, 2006

They Had It Nice

Photographed a 75th birthday party.
Good food, good drinks, good DJ, happy people all around.

"Aging is the turning of the wheel, the gradual fulfillment of the life cycle in which receiving matures in giving and living makes dying worthwhile."
"But still-without the presence of old people we might forget that we are aging. The elderly are our prophets, they remind us that what we see so clearly in them is a process in which we all share. Therefore, words about aging may quite well start with words about the elderly. Their lives are full of warnings but also of hopes."

from one of my favorite paperbacks-
by Henri J.M. Nouwen and Walter J. Gaffney copyright 1974

"525,600 minutes...how do you measure a year?" http://rentmoviesoundtrack.com/
Check out the tune.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

You've Got to be Kidding Me

Proud American vehicle spotted at Blydenburgh Park on the Long Island Greenbelt Trail.

By the way, is Tony Soprano gonna die right there on the floor in his uncle's house?

Was a good season opener. The surprise end shocking!

More "Years in the Field" images and useless banter to follow.

Stick with the links though... you'll be better off.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Waiting for the Sopranos

Okay so word has it there is a big surprise ending in this first new episode tonight.
Also that before the last season is over, quite a few top characters get "whacked!"
If I was that guy in this shakey-cam photo, I wouldn't be waiting for the Sopranos on a street in Manhattan. Bodda Bing... Ya Know?